Membership Application

Dear parents and friends,

Serbian Cultural Association Oplenac is a non profit Canadian cultural organisation/corporation with the goal to preserve and present Serbian culture and tradition in North America as proud member of Canadian multicultural society.

Young generation and members of Serbian community have benefited from Oplenac for over 30 years thanks to volunteers, members of the corporation. Among those members every season is chosen Board of Directors in charge of organisational existence of the association.

Without volunteers, members of the corporation, Oplenac would not exist, and that is why we ask you to join and became member of the corporation yourself.

Annual membership fee is $200 (which is paid at the time of application submission) and 15 volunteer hours which could be contributed in any area of operation from working on realization of the social events to marketing activities and special projects.

If you wish to help the existence of Oplenac please fill out the attached Membership Application and return it to Oplenac office where you can get more details regarding membership.

You can also get more information contacting secretary at [email protected]

Thank you for the support!