
For the photos and video clips from the trips made after the year 2014 please connect to Oplenac Facebook page

Trips in 2015

– Serbia and Montenegro tour, July 8-18, 2015

– New York concert trip, May 16, 2015

– Varadero, Cuba folklore camp, March 16-23, 2015

Miami, FL
May 16-21, 2014 ( Miami concert , May 17, 2014)


The second concert in the season 2013 /2014 was held in Miami, FL on May 17, 2014. Happy audience, five days of fun, sun, ocean and the city of Miami will be remembered by everybody.

Airplane tickets and the beachfront hotel accommodation were FREE for all dancers.

Boston , USA
May 2-4, 2014 (concert on May 3.2014)


First concert in the season 2013/2014 was held in Boston, USA on Maj 3 2014. Yet another memorable performance will be remembered this time by Boston audience. Oplenac group continued dancing after the concert at the party our hosts from St Sava Serbian Church of Boston organised especially for them. Dancers took advantage of this opportunity to visit popular places in Boston City .

This trip was FREE for all dancers.

Fort Lauderdale, FL
Март 10 -17, 2014

Fort Lauderdale

A large group of Oplenac dancers in First and Second folk dance ensembles participated in folklore camp organised by Oplenac in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
This was for everybody yet another great experience and vacation to be remembered .

July 08-18, 2013

Serbia 2013

Beograd, Mladenovac, Topola and Oplenac, Kragujevac, Vrnjacka Banja , Jagodina, Zajecar , Bor are some of the cities and places Oplenac dancers visited during the summer 2013 Serbia tour. They danced, made friends, and had fun. So many reasons to go back again ,and they will , soon.

Chicago, USA
May 10-12 ,2013

Chicago 2013

One more trip and another effective concert for Oplenac USA concert collection . Chicago audience gave standing ovations to SCA Oplenac Representative dance ensemble.
They made us proud again!

Chicago 2013

Trip cost per dancer: Free

Fort Myers , Florida, USA
March 9-16, 2013

Florida 2013

A group of Oplenac younger dancers who choose to take this opportunity to attend march break folklore camp will also remember fun on the beach with friends.

New York, NY, USA
March 8-10, 2013

New York 2013

Another success! Excellent concert this time in Long Island City performed by SCA Oplenac best dancers and the weekend filled with fun in New York City!

Cost : Transportation and Hotel accommodation free for dancers.

California, USA, May 18-26 , 2012
San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento

California 2012

Very successful concerts in four cities and the hole California experience will be remembered forever by members of California Serbian communities, and by all 50 members of Oplenac team.

Cost per dancer: No fee- plane tickets , bus transportation during the tour and accommodation were free for dancers.

March 12-17, 2012

Travel-Findley Lake 2012

March break folklore camp -Findley lake, NY, USA

Members of SCA Oplenac second folk dance ensemble, had a week of fun, skiing and dancing. This trip was a part of SCA Oplenac regular program for the members of SCA Oplenac youth and children folk dance ensembles.

December 23-30 , 2011

Travel-Dominican Republic-2011

Puerto Plata , Dominican Republic

SCA Oplenac Representative Ensemble ( a group of 41 dancers) spent seven unforgettable “Caribbean” days and nights in Puerto Plata at the 4.5 star resort. Folklore camps are regularly organised by SCA Oplenac during Christmas or march breaks. Puerto Plata folklore camp practices helped prepare our Rep Ensemble for the May-June, 2011 concert season, (May 18-27 2011 concerts will be held on the West Coast in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento, and SCA Oplenac 25-th Anniversary concert will be held on June 3 2011 in Living Arts Centre in Mississauga).
This trip was sponsored by MDG Computers.
Cost per dancer (paid by dancer):$450
Cost per dancer( paid by sponsor): $715
Total cost per dancer: $1165.

Serbia July 12-22 2011


Prijepolje, Serbia July 21 2011

Excellent performances including Kalemegdan performance at the concert of The National Ensemble KOLO in Belgrade, friendships and kindness of the people in each visited city made this trip an unforgettable one. It all started in Belgrade on July 12 2011, and then continued through the cities of Ruma, Novi Sad, Valjevo, Zlatibor, Nova Varos and Prijepolje. The entire experience made us look forward a new Serbia trip.

Orlando, Florida, USA
March 12-19, 2011


Dancers of the SCA Oplenac representative folk dance ensemble spent seven
memorable days in Florida during march break. Even though they had to attend
practices on a daily basis, following the folklore camp pattern from the
last season in Montreal, dancers had plenty of time to hang around Orlando
area and enjoy spending time together. According to their comments the trip
was something to remember.

Artistic director and choreographer, Vladimir Spasojevic used daily Florida
practices to get dancers ready for SCA Oplenac Annual concert on May 29
2011 in Living Arts centre in Mississauga, which is expected to become the
cultural event of the year in Serbian community ,the title “A Serbian Story”
, last year’s SCA Oplenac concert program, earned in Canada and USA.

Cost per dancers for transportation and 7 days accommodation: $360.

Trip was sponsored by MDG Computers.

Boston, USA:
November 5-7,2010

SCA Oplenac was invited to participate in the program celebrating tenth anniversary of the folk group Gracanica.
Our representative folk ensemble delivered an excellent performance.
Trip to Boston was an inspiring experience for dancers.
Boston Concert 2010
Cost per dancer(accommodation and transportation): $160

Chicago, May 21-24 2010

The concert trip went as follows:

– Visit and practice with National ensemble KOLO in Serbian Church Banquet hall Gracanica, Third Lake , IL

– Stayed for two nights and three days in Hampton Inn ,five star hotel in Skokie, IL

– Performed on the half time final soccer tournament game on May 22 2010, where RED STAR from Serbia won- Chicago fire soccer stadium , Chicago, (unforgettable experience for our dancers , along with their guests, soloists of the National Ensemble KOLO from Belgrade)

– Concert – Serbian Story with the guests from National Ensemble KOLO was held on May 23, 2010 in Harris Theatre in Chicago in front of 1300 viewers.

No Serbian Cultural event ever held in Chicago attracted as many people. Historical concert for SCA Oplenac , wonderful success and experience for SCA Oplenac, its 50 dancers in representative folk ensembles ,orchestra members and SCA Oplenac artistic Director Vladimir Spasojevic.


Chicago 2010


Transportation and hotel were free for all dancers and performers.

Windsor, April 23-24, 2010
Concert ” a Serbian Story”

This was the first out of five SCA Oplenac concerts which are scheduled in the April – June period. The audience gave standing ovations to our performers.


Windsor Concert 2010

Transportation, hotel and food were free for all performers, dancers , orchestra and choir members.

Montreal, Canada
March 14-19, 2010 – Folklore camp

The trip to Montreal was organised by SCA Oplenac as part of an intensive preparation for the concert season April -Jun 2010 in Windsor, Chicago, Mississauga and Kitchener. Dancers of the younger representative folklore Ensemble stayed at the comfortable Marriot Suits Hotel in the heart of Old Montreal and practiced at the rustic Grenier hall .

Unusual warm weather made this stay in Montreal more memorable for Oplenac youth who collected yet another beautiful memory.



Total Cost per dancer :$240.
The trip was partially sponsored by MDG Computers.

February 13-15, 2010

SCA Oplenac Third folklore ensemble participated at the folk dance festival in Chicago organised by the St. Simeon Church and folklore group Gavrilo Princip. They received a warm welcome. The visit to famous Chicago Aquarium was fascinating.


Transportation and accommodation per dancer: $110.00 CAD

12-13 September 2009

Visit and performance at Serbian Centre in Windsor passed in a positive and inspiring ambient where dancers proved their status of being the best folklore dance group in the area. This was confirmed by organizers and spectators which recognized the quality of dancers and choreographies demonstrated by SCA Oplenac.
Free trip, transportation and accommodation for all dancers were covered by MDG Computers.

5-6 September 2009

Trip was based on invitation from Serbian church of St. Stefan from Ottawa. Our dancers had a warm welcome and were greeted by many spectators at the church hall of St. Stefan. After the performance dancers had a memorable site seeing trip on the open top bus (compliments of MDG Computers) where they had a chance to observe the most beautiful and important parts of Canada’s capital city. Visit to the shopping mall was as popular as for any other trip. The good times and friendship between the dancers is something they will remember forever.
Transportation and accommodation per person: $100.00

7-16 July 2009

SKUD Oplenac was chosen to represent Serbian community at the International Festival of Folklore in Belgrade. Besides having great time in dancers were part of the trip to Topola and Karadjordjevic church on top of the Oplenac where they performed inspired and surrounded by tradition and history Serbian people. Being guests of the best folklore ensemble in Serbia named “Kolo” and attending their practice was exceptional event and unbelievable experience. Every performance at the Kalemegdan in front of many spectators was a lifelong memory. Closing night brought the best and most impressive performance of our group which performed Vladimir Spasojevicís choreography Bosilegrad carried by the rhythm of drum created by special guest and solo performer from Serbian National Ensemble “Kolo”.
As participants of this festival our dancers had free meals and accommodations.


16-18 May 2009

Trip was based on invitation from Serbo-American organization “New England”, St. Sava church and folklore group “Gracanica” from Boston. Performance took place in an inspiring ambient of Serbian church St. Sava. Besides having the tour of the city of Boston dancers attended seventh game of the NBA semi-finals between Boston Celtics and Orlando Magic.



Transportation and accommodation per person: $120.00